Dynamical Systems seminar is supported by RFBR project 20-01-00420-a and Laboratory Poncelet.

Papers: различия между версиями

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This page will contain links to the articles of seminar members. Currently the only article here is [http://wiki.dynsys.org/misc/uerghyp.pdf Unique ergodicity of horospheric foliations revisited] by Alexey Glutsyuk and Mikhail Lyubich.
* Alexey Glutsyuk and Mikhail Lyubich. [http://wiki.dynsys.org/misc/uerghyp.pdf Unique ergodicity of horospheric foliations revisited].
* Yu. Ilyashenko, A. Negut. [http://wiki.dynsys.org/misc/NON-IN-final.pdf Invisible parts of attractors]. Nonlinearity '''23''' (2010) 1199—1219. [http://stacks.iop.org/Non/23/1199]

Версия от 10:46, 19 апреля 2010